Custom URL to Profile


This method returns a full profile from a custom url

Supports just the custom name or a full link.

await Resolve.fromCustomToProfile('Demiann');
await Resolve.fromCustomToProfile('');


  • type: Object
  steamID64: [ '76561198250920834' ],
  steamID: [ 'Demian' ],
  onlineState: [ 'offline' ],
  stateMessage: [ 'Offline' ],
  privacyState: [ 'public' ],
  visibilityState: [ '3' ],
  avatarIcon: [
  avatarMedium: [
  avatarFull: [
  vacBanned: [ '0' ],
  tradeBanState: [ 'None' ],
  isLimitedAccount: [ '0' ],
  customURL: [ 'Demiann' ],
  memberSince: [ 'September 18, 2015' ],
  steamRating: [ '' ],
  hoursPlayed2Wk: [ '0.0' ],
  headline: [ '' ],
  location: [ 'Faroe Islands' ],
  realname: [ 'Demian' ],
  summary: [ '' ],
  groups: [ { group: [Array] } ]

Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Tue, Aug 16, 2022